Riding the Waves: Embracing Both Spirit and Humanity for True Freedom
Harness the power of being both a human experiencing nature and nature experiencing a human.
You are both a human experiencing nature, and nature experiencing a human.
The experience of both is temporary, but only the human dies.
The other is the eternal source of life. Your soul.
You go through life riding the patterns of energy, meaning the waves of the ebbs and flows just like the waveform of energy.
Because everything, from the visible to the invisible, is energy.
When you are observing life primarily through spiritual eyes, navigating through this world as nature experiencing a person, it is not possible to be depressed, afraid, overwhelmed, anxious, etc.
When you are observing life primarily through human eyes, navigating through this world as a human experiencing nature, all of those constrictive energy fields become active and oftentimes predominant as the fuel that creates the foundation of your life from fear.
You need both to have either experience. But, most people get stuck in the oscillating process of observing life from a spiritual being to a human being back to a spiritual being.
And they get "stuck" at the bottom of a wave because they lost their momentum.
Just like a surfer getting clobbered by the incoming waves, you get the shit kicked out of you until you get back on your board and paddle like hell to get back in alignment with the natural waveforms of energy.
It's shocking to me how far removed humanity has become from this.
To the point people are just piling up at the bottom of a waveform, getting thrashed and pounded, knocking into each other, stagnant in their soul’s purpose, getting more and more disconnected and depressed, feeling helpless and hopeless to the point the eject handle seems like the only option left!
Sometimes, we need one of those high-powered super-performance wave runners to jump-start the escape from that funk.
And that can come in any form, shape, or flavor.
It could be something as simple as a bird locking eyes with you for 5 seconds.
But you still gotta paddle your silly ass to get back into the natural flow of the energy of life.
And you gotta paddle when you're already tired, already depleted, already drained.
That's why it's so f'ing hard!
It's simple, just paddle!
But not easy!
The good news is, once you start, with each stroke, you gain a little strength. It's energy that feeds you energy, not depletes it.
So just start! Ugly, messy, awkward, or ridiculous!
One step at a time.
Not with the intent of achieving worldly things, but with the intent of being a good steward of your soul so that you can live from curiosity to create versus fear of loss...