Simple Personal Inventory Assessment
If you find more reasons to be happy in this life than you find reasons to be sad, your perspectives are strong.
If you are with people who give you more reasons to be happy than sad, your relationships are strong.
If you're able to see and FEEL more good in yourself than bad, your self worth is in good shape.
It's not about avoiding the bad but moreso, maximizing the good.
Good and bad are subjective, yes.
But not for you they're not!
You know if something feels good and right to you or feels wrong and bad.
It all exists at the same time, but not through the same eyes or the same hearts.
Your heart knows what's right for it. It knows what feels right. What feels good. What feels like home.
If you need to adjust some shit to get there, for the love of yourself, DO IT!
Mike Kemski
#1 Bestselling Author - The PowerLife Principles